martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

minecraft page

Minecraft is a building game inspired by the game open Infiniminer, and created by Markus Persson, the founder of Mojang AB Company. The game involves the player in creating and destroying various types of blocks in a three dimensional environment using a character you can create fantastic structures and artistic creations, along the various multiplayer servers in its multiple modes game.

Minecraft is available to the public for 19.95 and can be played in single or multiplayer mode. Once purchased, you can play through the website or by installing the downloadable version. Also you can play the Classic version for free. Minecraft development started around May 10, 2009 and began accepting full game reserves on June 13 of that year. Its official launch was on November 18, 2011. It was also released for Xbox 360 on Xbox Live Arcade, the May 5, 2012


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